Thursday, January 27, 2011

Organic Vegetables...Why They Are Better For You

When buying your groceries, remember the four Ns.
Choose food that is NATURAL, (meaning no pesticides have been used and it is as minimally processed as possible), NAKED (as little packaging as possible), NUTRITIOUS and NOW (in season).

Buy your food locally whenever possible.
Most cities have farmer’s markets where you can purchase produce, meats, breads and baked goods from local vendors. Not only are you supporting your local economy, but these are usually fresher and healthier options. You can also talk to the seller directly to find out their practices when it comes to the use of pesticides, hormones and preservatives. An added bonus is thatthe food wasn’t trucked in which means less fuel usage and fewer emissions.
Buy organic and all-natural products. In response to consumer demand, a lot of
manufacturers are now making products that are organic or use all-natural materials such
as bamboo. From clothing to hardwood flooring you can find almost anything that has
been created in a more environmentally friendly way. Although you may pay a little
more, it is worth the investment to know you are helping the planet with your choice.
If you have the space in your yard starting a small herb or kitchen garden can be very rewarding. Growing your own vegetables can be a great family project.

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